Sunday, 8 April 2018

Cindy gets spanked

Sometimes, the solution is so easy for a problem.   We had a disagreement when on vacation, and Cindy seeing how upsetting her comment had been, and hurtful, that she stated I should spank her when we get home. That was a simple solution, and I acquiesced. I am the one that says once the spanking is given, the problem is solved.

Yesterday, it took some conversation for Cindy to agree to the spanking, with added rebukes about not using the wooden hairbrush. Cindy does not like being spanked, is a mild statement.

Is it consensual? A really good question, and no real answer. Cindy will accept to solve a problem, but bitterly object during the spanking.

Bare bottom, over the knee, two spanks and OWWWWWW, another two and THAT"s ENOUGH", another two and claiming that was ten so stop.

Sorry, that was only six and you are going to get 20, do you want them slow or faster?

Fast it was, with Cindy bellowing "I hate you", throughout the spanking .....

When 20 spanks were given, I kept her on my lap and stated that if she did what she had done again, it will be a longer spanking, and then permitted her to get up.

Very quickly she ran into the bathroom, yelling I hate you....

About one to two minutes later she came out, and apologized for shouting what she had, and stated I Love you.  We kissed, and then with a little prodding she stated thank you for the spanking.
We then talked for a while about things, and all is well. I guess I could categorize her reaction during the spanking to that of a child, but we do not promote, nor do I permit on this blog, any discussion of spanking children under 18, and I prefer the age to be 21.

We have hugged and kissed a few extra times in the last couple of hours, and life is wonderful. Cindy has stated again that she does not hate me!

The problem is solved, and just a word to the wise will prevent another spanking, if Cindy is thinking.

However, I quite reasonably assume that my bottom will  be in the line of fire for quite some time now and in the near future.

UPDATE the same Day: before dinner.. we have been very loving... cannot do enough for each other... and Cindy took a long , leisurely HOT bath, and we made exquisite love. PS: I checked her bottom early on, and although her skin was hot everywhere (arms, legs breasts (nice) f5rom the bath, her bottom was in no way whatsoever red. The spanking had not been very hard whatsoever, the most that was hurt was her dignity.. Magnificent orgasm for each of us...
Plus, problem solved...

Even further update: Cindy has apologized for saying that, and feels bad. My gentlemanly offer to spank her for being bad was graciously declined.
I also reminded Cindy that if she agrees that she should be spanked, she is perfectly fine in giving me HER SPANKING, but she would almost assuredly find that worse than being spanked.

bottoms up
but remember you could be spanked later....


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